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S T   C U T H B E R T ’ S  H O U S E Hermitage of the Diocese of Nottingham               

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Detail from Roman Versals—a mixed media piece exploring the form and function of roman versal lettering. Standard size is a classic design suitable for a more formal written note.  Presentation size is a celebration of lettering for a very special occasion.

180: Roman Versals

ROMAN VERSALS are amongst the classics of the calligraphic palette.  These are nib representations of the letters used by the Romans to inscribe their columns and plaques.  What better then, than to use them to inscribe some Roman profundities?  The card is 1/3 A4 size and is available in 2 formats:  Postcard printed on a silky linen effect white board with accompanying white laid envelope. Elegant top-fold landscape card printed on silky linen effect white board with accompanying white laid envelope.

165: Veni Vidi Vici

ROMAN VERSALS are amongst the classics of the calligraphic palette.  These are nib representations of the letters used by the Romans to inscribe their columns and plaques.  What better then, than to use them to inscribe some Roman profundities?  The card is 1/3 A4 size and is available in 2 formats:  Postcard printed on a silky linen effect white board with accompanying white laid envelope. Elegant top-fold landscape card printed on silky linen effect white board with accompanying white laid envelope.

166: When in Rome

"Cum dignitate otium" translates as "Leisure with dignity" - ideal for a retirement card.  ROMAN VERSALS are amongst the classics of the calligraphic palette.  These are nib representations of the letters used by the Romans to inscribe their columns and plaques.  What better then, than to use them to inscribe some Roman profundities?  The card is 1/3 A4 size and is available in 2 formats:  Postcard printed on a silky linen effect white board with accompanying white laid envelope. Elegant top-fold landscape card printed on silky linen effect white board with accompanying white laid envelope.

167: Cum Dignitate Otium

ROMAN VERSALS are amongst the classics of the calligraphic palette.  These are nib representations of the letters used by the Romans to inscribe their columns and plaques.  What better then, than to use them to inscribe some Roman profundities?  The card is 1/3 A4 size and is available in 2 formats:  Postcard printed on a silky linen effect white board with accompanying white laid envelope. Elegant top-fold landscape card printed on silky linen effect white board with accompanying white laid envelope.

168: Nil Desperandum